1. Accolade - any award, honor, or laudatory notice
Conor won an accolade for being so awesome.
2. Acerbity - to make sour or bitter; to exasperate
The lemon had an acerbity nature to it.
3. Attrition - a reduction or decrease in numbers, size or strength
There seems to be an attrition of students willing to do their own work.
4. Bromide - a person who is platitudinous and boring
Catholic priests are the most bromide people I know.
5. Chauvinist - a person who is progressively and blindly patriotic; sexist
Nathan Price is the epitome of a chauvinist.
6. Chronic - constant; habitual; inveterate
Alex is a chronic procrastinator.
7. Expound - to explain; interpret or to make a detailed statement
"Deus Ex Machina" is when God suddenly appears to expound the confusing plot.
8. Factionalism - of a faction or factions; self-interested
I have never been a fan of factionalism myself.
9. Immaculate - free from spot or stain; spotlessly clean; pure
The Virgin Mary gave birth to Christ through the Immaculate Conception.
10. Imprecation - a curse; the act of cursing
The witch put a imprecation on Shane where he could no longer get a girlfriend.
11. Ineluctable - inevitable; inescapable
It's ineluctable that I will get a better grade than Lizbeth in every class.
12. Mercurial - changeable; volatile; animated; lively
John was mercurial when he was accused of a crime he didn't commit.
13. Palliate - to relieve or lessen without curing; excuses; apologies
Tim Bundy tried to palliate his crimes, but it fell on deaf ears.
14. Protocol - the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality
"Sorry sir, we're only following protocol," said the security guards to John.
15. Resplendent - shining brilliantly; gleaming
The stars were resplendent in the night.
16. Stigmatize - to set some mark of disgrace or infamy on
Hester Prynne was stigmatized by the Boston population.
17. Sub rosa - confidentially; secretly
"Remember this information is sub rosa," the spy told his companions.
18. Vainglory - excessive elation over one's own achievements
Beowulf seems to have a little vainglory in him.
19. Vestige - a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that no longer exists
The fossil record is the only vestige we have of the years past.
20. Volition - the act of willing, choosing or resolving
Commander Shepard is re known for his volition.
Here's to starting off the course again!